Sitemap - 2009 - xpostfactoid

Bush's mentor, the Dementor

When Obama stole a line from Cheney

Are the Taliban and al Qaeda "symbiotic"? A famed jihadist says no

Noughty and nice

Exhorting the Iranian people, denouncing the regime

Wiping the slate

Save the filibuster, cont.

War of the snapshots

When Abu Walid met Leah Farrall

2006 flashback: the enrichment of Iran's Revolutionary Guards

A Christmas gift from the Senate

Save the filibuster, guardian of health care reform

Eight rebuttals to "10 reasons to kill the Senate bill"

Theocracy in America

Interrogation "light"

Bubble Alert: $400/sq ft in Shunyi County, China

Attention, filibuster-busters: remember 2002-2006?


Obama the anti-crusader

Herszenhorn misrepresents the fading public option

A public option that isn't? What's the tradeoff?

Clive Crook is off-kilter on Obama

Iranian students chomping at the bit?

The rougher road to health care cost control

Obama's Afghan course: risk or risk management?

And now for something completely different: Clare Lockhart cheers Obama's Afghan effort

Steve Coll notes three conundra for the U.S. in AfPak

Obama channels Gates to defend timeline

Obama skates past a strong counter-proposal on Afghanistan.

Unfinished business: Obama's case for renewed effort in AfPak

On trusting Obama: the Af/Pak review

A tailor's yard for cutting megabanks to size

A talent war in Afghanistan

Era of Obama: Flashpoints

If Winnie met Yogi....

Churchill's memo to Obama

A Wrinkle in (Presidential) Time

The party of federal debt and the path to sustainability

Movin' Meat mulls Senate bill's cost controls

David Brooks gins up another faux consensus

Water on a Stone: Fallows relays an insider's view of Obama's Chinese conversations

A 'beautiful bill' goes to the operating table

A Wolf whistle on bankers' pay

Oxfam's survey of Afghans: their wishes are no mystery

Mea Culpa re Obama in China

Obama pitches "The End of History" in Shanghai

"No one can describe a taste" - Why?

The incredible shrinking Afghan surge

David Leonhardt tries to do Obama's job for him, part II

Obama at Fort Hood: Embracing 'The Long War'?

Gates whistles past the graveyard of empires

Owens' win in NY 23: bad for Democrats, good for the country?

A question for the data-mining maestros

What does Abdullah want?

"The logical core of Matthew Hoh's resignation letter": a counterpoint to Fallows

Public option and public perception

The power of presence

The David Brooks "consensus": Bring back George W. Bush

Holbrooke hearts Hoh in mid-resignation

Oh for a health care monopsony

Did Defoe really celebrate diversity? Yes

Did McChrystal (or Petraeus) Read Henry V?

Steve Coll vs. Rory Stewart on the AfPak endgame

Obama to Karzai: No marriage, no dowry?

Up the Great Chain of Being with Jalal a-Din Rumi

General McChrystal, the gentler gamester

Obama (re) declares war on lobbyists

Does the public option rest on a thin Reid?

Gov. Palin, 2006--2009?

For the Lord and for Gideon...

The Japanese sway to Obamameter

Bruce Bartlett, Keynsian?

A mantra for true health care reform

AHIP Report: Disingenuous, but pushing toward broader coverage?

Commonwealth Club: 78,000 Americans die yearly for lack of "timely and effective" health care

Health care endgame: lobbyist pressure vs. "deficit neutral" pledge

Pitch perfect as usual

Brooks v. Brooks on the Baucus bill

T.R. Reid: For-Profit Insurance Destroys Health Care Delivery

Future Perfect on health care reform

Health care coverage continues to melt down

Vengeance PR from the Pentagon?

David Brooks' lazy free market fantasy

Self-funded employers against the public option

Change you can believe in? By degrees...

Taliban verdict: George Bush let us back in

David Brooks lambastes Democrats for agreeing with him

Attention, Clive Crook: "uncertainty" is an antidote to "unintended consequences"

If you read one post on health care reform...

Dispelling dystopian dyspepsia

How to call out a President

C.S. Lewis on Matt Latimer

We are all boiling frogs

Battle of the Bush surrogates: Burt trumps Bolton in WSJ

Swallowing the fly in Afghanistan

DeLay of de land in Congress

Is Obama trying to force a unity government in Afghanistan?

Three legs of financial reform

Is Obama signalling no more troops to Afghanistan?

Political fantasy hour

The crown jewels of health care cost-cutting

Boehner gives the game away on missile shield in Eastern Europe

Wydening the insurance exchange

Is a specter haunting Chinese communism?

David Frum is making sense

Osama's amended complaint

On "catching" happiness

A Distant Mirror in Iran

Obama "triggers" a recount of heath care bills' costs

The invisible 1/3 of U.S. health care funding

The great myth about Obama's soaring rhetoric

Obama seizes the center on health care

A mantra for Democrats

The free market that ate conservatism

His speech will be pretty good

My countries, tis of thee...

Ali Soufan goes nuclear on Cheney

$27 million split how many ways?

While Rome burns

Of venal dentists and patients' incentives

Ah, September: bedwetting season for Democrats

Gideon Rachman's low-key contrarianism

The ninth circle of hell is reserved for theocrats

The strange lies of Dick Cheney

American exceptionalism, domestic peace edition

Betsy McCaughey's blunderbuss lands one shot

Goldhill's health care fix: cure worse than disease?

Dept. of self-cancelling statements

Addington's legacy: we're "one bomb away"

Telling it like it is

It ain't so, MoDo: Palin never changed

Annals of unpublished letters: NYT flags global payment proposal in Massachusetts

Iran kills 7 lawyers representing detainees: Jerusalem Post

The Blackwaters of universal healthcare?

Will health insurance giants administer single payer?

Life after Life for the last fighting Tommy?

Healthcare inflation reaches every nook and cranny

Minorities set us free

An Iranian's forecast that resonates

Torturers can't be arbiters

Alienation in Tehran, and abroad

Why Khamenei did it

Return to Oz: Buffalo Garden Walk 2009

Scat, CAT scan: Obama on U.S. health waste

Public plan advocates, read this...

MedPAC: Obama's rudder for the healthcare battleship

The Times points another arrow at fee-for-service medicine

In Kenya, charging a phone by pedalling a bike

Out of context quote of the day

I took Obama's "blue pill" -- and got maybe 90% of "red pill" benefit....

Healthcare quote of the day

David Leonhardt tries to do Obama's job for him

Buffalo, go "double green" on July 25!

Massachusetts Commission cuts the Gordian Knot on healthcare costs

A prayerful assembly in Iran

Did Rafsanjani cede the key point?

Wings beating against a web, III: Iran's frozen-out elite

Jeffrey Goldberg: How "alien" is Hamas' "apocalyptic thinking" to Americans?

Fuykuyama, whipping boy

Iranian prison officials stage "rebirth"

Matt Miller clarifies healthcare reform

King Solomon's Twitters

Palin for President!

Wings breaking through a web? Iranian persistence in resistance

Obama to Africans in Ghana: do it yourself...

The Guard that has the whip hand in Iran

Divided loyalties at Press TV

Iran's Press TV finds an "outside interference" echo in China

What's happening to newspapers (and books?): two short tales

Leonhardt seconds Gawande: put doctors on salary

Back story to the Iranian crackdown

The Horrid fascination of history

Strike, sandstorm and shutdown in Tehran?

Governing from an empty center

Wings beating against a web, cont.: Iran's Revolutionary Guard asserts "deciding role"

Palin: Good bye, and thanks for the nice "title"...

Hopeful developments in Iran

What's best for Alaska...

The quest to finish off Palin

Ahmadi non grata?

On arguing from strength

Sofie's Choice, Tehran edition

Palin prophets, revisited

Wings beating against a web?

Did Rafsanjani cave?

A Freudian slip for Obama?

"Healthcare reform is entitlement reform," cont.

Is something happening on Iranian Press TV?

Re: The Appalachian conversation

Back story to the uprising: Ahmadinejad's consolidated grip

The battered children's revolt

Fertile ground for Iranian paranoia

Mousavi to Iranians: Go Shopping

A naive idea for Mousavi

Of Mousavi, security and negative capability

Mosssdegh, the Shah, Khamenei and "outside interference" in Iran

Mousavi + Obama

Between the Basiji and the Green Wave

Mousavi's Paradise Lost: Khomeini's Republic

The MSM 'defeats' Mousavi

Standoff in Iran?

About that ballot recount offer: a fig leaf for a redo?

"On your head be it...."

"Mousavi is not Khomeini, and Khamenei is not the Shah"

Who speaks for the Islamic Republic?

Iranian attitudes toward Israel: the TFT poll

The wrest is silence

Autocracy, inflation, revolt, crackdown

Gary Sick's pre-election call

Reza Pahlavi seconds Nate Silver

Orzag hones in on doctors' incentives

Is Iranian resistance "about" Mousavi?

A running mate for Ahmadinejad?

Mousavi's brinksmanship: resistance within the law

The limits of Republican 'rethink'

Did Obama read Atul Gawande? - part 3

Revolution from within

Human Rights Watch's true-blue conservative

As if Marcus Garvey had his way

Did Obama read Atul Gawande? - cont.

A really naive anti-terror idea

How will Obama raise tax revenue?

Obama denounces Holocaust denial, loses Arab students

An honest broker for Israelis and Palestinians

Did Obama read Atul Gawande?

Mark Penn: sloppy with data?

"Do parties need philosophies?" Yes

The Amalek connection: Goldberg protests too much

Sotomayor: no racist, no writer

"Why healthcare costs so much"

Is trusting Obama like trusting Bush?

Obama: Preventive detention yes, "unitary executive" no

Keep talking, Cheney

Maddow, Isikoff trump up evidence of Obama 'politicizing' justice

Does economic growth foster democracy?

From a short history of sexuality

Orignal sin at Notre Dame

Goldberg: Will Netanyahu smite the "Amalekites"?

Ali Soufan, Tragedian

The sum of all Constitutional fears: Zelikow

Martin Wolf and Paul Krugman share a worry: will Obama funk reform?

Who owns credit default swaps on GM? And who's on the hook?

Obama sticks the shiv in Cheney

To the spielers go the victory

The great wealth transfer

Ambinder stitches up some fig leaves for Pelosi et al

Paul Krugman goes wobbly

Why the banks *held* toxic securities

Condi Rice to 4th Grader: Terror Works

A lesson in humility from Robert Gates

Homo electus and the last election

Over the meadow and through the woods with Obama

Nudging toward Bethlehem: Obama's theory of governance

"Obama probably understands this....

Ahmadinejad's "free and fair choice" for "Palestinians"

Hillary Gates Obama

Depends what your definition of "works" is

"Did torture work?" is the wrong question - Ali Soufan shows why

Wolf, crying; Obama, rebalancing

Zelikow: Obama is "potliticizing" detainee issue with attempt to forestall prosecution

Did torture "work" on Abu Zubaydah?

"Measuring him by the sentiment of his country..."

Heart of Darkness

A "seam-ly" internal Administration debate resolved?

The end of money management as we know it?

2029: Look back in wonder

From the Ministry of Love

Let's not kill *all* the bankers

Undermining democracy in Pakistan?

Brooks' assault on reason

Just what did Obama commit to on missile defense?

Obama "disarms" the Germans

John Brennan, whipping boy

Wielding power by mapping its limits

Defining democratization down

Obama's "loose ends" theory of leadership

"Such a grasp of the range and limits of violence"...

From financial shotgun marriages, miscarriages

Training in torture

Obama's "Lincoln Defense" of Geithner

Paul Krugman is overinvested

Geithner: man with a plan

Is Edward Liddy *our* fox now?

Don't "don't blame us," Obama

John Gapper plumbs AIG's heart of darkness

Capitalist redistribution

Andrew Cuomo's mojo

The incredible Mr. Cheney

Obama re-gifts a campaign candygram to Business Roundtable

Bracketing up: will Obama soak the superrich?

Macro-wreckonomics: a 30,000-foot view

Soft power hit from two sides

C.S. Lewis, democrat by default

P.S., I love EU: Rachman's startled valentine to the European Union

Obama: Republican budgeting = Wall Street risk management

Talking to each other about health insurance failure

Two cheers for Nineveh

Ed Kilgore fisks Brooks

Buckley goes wobbly

Step back in that bubble, Sir

Bring on the realists, part II: Gates on 'victory' in Iraq

Obama's doctrine of pre-emption

Too narrow a tax base?

One (possible) reason Geithner's not nationalizing...yet

B.F. Skinner haunts the banks

David Brooks dreams up a revolution

Six key moments in Obama's address to Congress

Seamus Heaney hits the sports page

Kill all the shareholders? Not so fast...

Orzag et al: health care reform *is* entitlement reform

Fireside Chat 2.0: Obama's weekly address

Roubini to Obama: "Make haste slowly" on bank nationalization

Shrieks on a train - -a cell phone shouter pays


Hilllary's '07 blueprint for interrogation policy review

Obama's modest and ambitious agenda, part II

Mike Mullen "re-arms" America, Covers Obama

Emanuel's box score: lots of runs, hits and errors

Can this economic destruction be creative?

Obama's re-education project

Noonan's avatar of national anomie

Obama's liberal Lincoln

"It is whatever Obama wants" -- a counternarrative peeks out

Obama's message to the middle east

Obama's meta mea culpa, cont.

Depends what your definition of "screwed up" is

Poison pill in the stimulus bill

What Republicans should be good for

Was losing Daschle a 'catastrophic' cost?

Obambi chorus rising again...

Obama realigns bailout bankers' incentives

Did a health insurance meltdown prick the housing bubble?

Down girl, down! Dowd sics herself on Wall Street

David Brooks shadows forth a conservative Obama

What "restoring honor and dignity to the White House" really meant

The Gospel according to Obama

Getting used to change

Bring on the realists: on attaining "very concrete things" in war zones

Our bankers sell a cow

Tina Brown catches a vibe

Obama responds to Osama

Obama's Inaugural: dark skies, stark challenges

Stone made flesh at the Lincoln Memorial

Gates the knife?

Deflation nation?

Make it thirteen...accomplishments of George W. Bush

Obama, drinkin' Lincoln

Supercapitalism run amok

Mind-Bogle-ling certainty from Vanguard pere

Calm at the center...

The sum of economic fears

"A president forgtten but not gone"? That's a bit Rich...

Oh, balm, ah: a soothing history lesson

Death of literature...greatly exaggerated

The year of correction