Sitemap - 2010 - xpostfactoid

A thoughtless post

Jeffrey Goldberg gets Beinertized

Embracing the process: Jonathan Bernstein's joyous cynicism

Flashback: a moment of choice

Obama sets a clock ticking on gay marriage

Profiles in cowardice, courage, and a little bit of both

Lamar Alexander writes a short history of the Obama presidency

McConnell gets Pott(er)y-mouthed with the President

The politics of pique, redux

Where is Clive Crook's "center"?

Rip Van Kyl

Long game theory

What Peter Bergen got wrong about Woodward's "Obama's Wars"

Schlockly awe

"Last of the postwar liberals"

A hole in the bucket: Holbrooke's read on the AfPak strategy

Woodward's tribute to Richard Holbrooke

Myths are all very well, but dreams of purity are pernicious

Obama, the bully pulpit, and the battleship

Leadership alert: Obama's salute to Liu Xiaobo

Bipartisan glimmers

Obama misrepresents his deal a little

From placation to implacability

Bringing home the borrowed bacon for the dispossessed

President, opposition leader come to terms on international pact

Making the lenders pay

The next Republican president

"Robin" Medvedev gets red-breasted over missile defense

A spotlight on patient diplomacy

Oh, something else to be thankful for

curmudgeon's antidote

curmudgeonly confession

The thought thought round the world?

M&A in "Turko-Persia"

When Mr. Nice Guy won't yield...


Obama picks his battleground

Putting a Lugar to Jon Kyl's head

Historians, raise your shovels

Another crie de coeur from Cassandra

"Cuts"? Or "tax cuts"?


Best healthcare post ever...

"Economic power grabs slowly, like the tide..."

New York Times Overreacts to Strife at G-20

A vote and a prayer

The Conscience of a Cassandra

Priceless DeMint

Liberal Reagan -- not

"The electorate is smarter than all of us?" Lincoln said it better...

Quote of the day

Obama, whip out that veto pen

When the Party of Lincoln started stinkin'

Two can stonewall, Mr. President

The President under siege

Say it ain't so, O...

Obama, blame not your Lute

Roubini wishes Obama had done it all

Hendrick Hertzberg's hierarchy of rights, cont.

Richard Holbrooke, prophet of doom

With Kafka in Obama's War Council

Hertzberg's left, Sullivan's right: busy getting dizzy

It's not about him

Tax cuts in the stimulus were not just a sop to Republicans

Obama's baby: the Independent Payment Advisory Board for Medicare

Obama girds for 1993...

Program note

Casus belli? Whatever....

A wish fulfilled for Erica Jong

The clock ticks for liberalization in China

Obama girds for 1994 II

(Re)hire this man....

Portfolios of the Not-So-Poor

The Supreme Court opens markets

Birth by headlamp in Hinche, Haiti

Off to Haiti

And half the parents are above average

Barack Jefferson on National Security

Clive Crook dreams up a vital center for Obama

As Democrats tank, Is Stephen J. Rose rebounding? Will Obama?

Homo electus in all his glory

Doc Suess writes pol site's head line

Worm-turn watch...

Obama, Clinton, Woodward, Branch

Stream of political consciousness

The "we" in Yom Kippur

The moral equivalent of warmongering

On not respecting the past

A disclaimer passes its sell-by date

Environmental regulation, Chinese style

Quote of the Day

Thomas Friedman at his Thomas Friedmanest*

Fidel, let me help you walk that back...


Obama's back

Did Imam Rauf take Yossi Klein Halevi's advice?

Palestinian Authority highlights Ahmadinejad's stolen authority

"Its force is owed to its precision": Wieseltier's definitive defense of Park51

Martin Wolf recalls his cry of Feb. 2009, and bites Obama

When Democratic Presidents reappoint Fed Chairmen

Fallows tries again with "The Moral Equivalent of War"

A short history of America's rightward turn

Hillary Clinton on Memory

Concluding unscientific local auto market survey

A Clinton-eye view of Republicans

False equivalence in WSJ's portrayal of structural deficit

Maybe Bernstein's wrong this time?

Yes, he walked it back

Obama honors his oath of office

The mind is a cold, calculating Polyanna

Palinguistics go viral

Siblings at the end of days

Dept. of mixed metaphors

Christopher Caldwell girds for civilizational war near Ground Zero

Another corrupt public official gets off easy

Kristallnacht in New York?

Olympia Snowe, put up or shut up on healthcare reform's flaws

Michael Bloomberg reminds us what we should have learned in Kindergarten

Gideon Rachman on Richard Milhous Obama

I feel free, therefore I'm free?

Green shoots in stasis

Dionne, give the Dems a break

Impure thought of the day

Beating the Bushes for START

Sarah Milhous tills the midterms

Buffalo backdrops

The long view from China

Bill Clinton, Happy Warrior

Why the Obama Administration won't cut defense spending

The anguish of the data collectors

The importance of being an earnest reader

Proud parent alert: Jonah & Brian on Matt & Kim

On debt-fueled consumption, rising inequality, education, and service sector pay

Yes, Weigel, Palin really needs to learn something

Pelosi prophecies

"The conservative equivalent of the Che Guevara T-shirt"

Social Security benefits are skewed to low earners

Our future is not in manufacturing

Rick Perlstein on the dark side of democracy

Netanyahu: I will go to Ramallah....

Two rivals on the weakness of Netanyahu

Jews, Gays, and History

Of this...and that

Rx for Kevin Drum's Obamanemia

Newspaper taxes readers' decoding chops

Michael Oren v. Michael Oren on Israel-US relations

The messy evolution of the legislative process, cont.

Attn, David Brooks: Where the "culture of exposure" came from

The well-tempered Presidential anecdote

What is a political "argument"?

The Ahmed Karzai Good Governance Award

This is your brain

Some green shoots of multipolar leadership?

Turning the lightbulb on the Gaza blockade

Can electorates walk and chew gum?

Journalistic Judgment

Barack Krugman warns the G-20

Netanyahu 1.4?

Something was missing in Obama's Oval Office speech...

Hillary Clinton, fisher of men

Is health care price transparency possible without price uniformity?

(Re)birth and (forecast) death of a genre

Creepy ad watch*

Turkey walks it back a bit

Israel gulled

First, do no harm...

Conflict in the Knesset

Beinert gestures toward "the liberal forces in Israel"

Fred Kaplan nails it

Israel's 'sigh of relief' over sanctions pursuit

Obama on indefinite detention: a Goldsmith blueprint?

There goes David Brooks again....

Too big to jail? Can the U.S. prosecute an ex-President?

Smoke and mirrors on Guantanamo recidivism

Look, ma no lies: Palin smears with hypotheticals

Department of mixed metaphors

Patronizing pundit watch

A bit of moonshine in Kristof's "Moonshine or the kids?"

Trouble with China as Euro depreciates?

The death and birth of Europe

Even Simon Johnson is surprised, if not satisfied, by the FinReg bill

Parsi, Sick, and Cohen lament in concert as U.S. spurns fuel deal

On McConnell, Bush, good policy, good politics and the electoral contract according to Jonathan Bernstein

Peter Beinert's shock therapy for American Jewry

Dept. of unpublished letters, cont.

Polyanna alert: my 'trust in government' is high

The Tories' 3/8 mandate

Gates, like Obama, invokes Eisenhower as prudent steward

Stephen J. Rose's Rebound foresees America Unbound

God cop/bad cop in Pakistan, cont.

Terrorist news disorientation syndrome

Scrutinizing Warren's warranty for Goldman

Wednesday morning amateur philosphizing

A secure environmentalism for Midtown?

Philip Pullman, enough with the Biblical retakes

Obama at Michigan: the era of "the era of big government is over" is over

The Senate gets into the swing of bankwhacking

Don't crow, but savor the moment

Reverse field opinion writing at the FT

In which I (essentially) win my "quick bet against Brooks"

Goldman et al short the Democrats

Gretchen Morgenson echoes Mitch McConnell

Does Goldman's "it's perfectly normal" defense hold water?

Ah, soft power: a chorus of nations urges yuan appreciation

Unreal city: the Democrats frame a debate

There's a turkey being slaughtered behind Daniel Henninger's column

Can a libertarian love "commandments"?

How Chinese households serve the banks

Where Obama's "placation" ended

What Ailes Democracy in America

Broder notes that Obama is patient. But Broder isn't.

Byzantium in Brazil? The Pope looks south and east

The Administration gets game on FinReg

Data in the chatter: life in the Nate Silver era

Two directions on tax reform

Mitch McConnell, bank-shrinker?

Cllive Crook's disconnect

The Ann Dunham Presidency

Ode to an old lesson

A quick bet against Brooks

How not to attack the Administration

A second White House Seder? Larry Summers sings Dayenu to Martin Wolf over health care reform

Larry Summers takes a long and multilateral view of China and trade rebalancing

Morning in America

Happiness Indices: Post-industrial and Pre-Modern

Five noun run spurs brain freeze

State-Croft in the Obama Administration, cont.: the Deputies' Committee

New coverage rules for employer-provided health plans

High risk pools within 3 months? How?

The delayed gratification presidency

A more perfect speech draft: Obama edits "our" national story

Bracketing up: HCR, income redistribution and tax reform

Our Undemocratic Constitution, cont.: fixes from Calif. and Down Under

The punch that landed: Rachman writes Obama's second chapter

Romney is phoney but not funny

Nudging toward Bethlehem, 3: "This is what change looks like"

Nudging towards Bethlehem, cont.

Call of the year

Dingell to wavering Democrats: You have no choice

The making of a great President

Politico repeats a myth about Obama's post-Scott Brown HCR plans

Never let a noncrisis go to waste

How HCR will change lawmaking: Stern vs. Ezra Klein

Cool whip

FT triptych: a "multilateral web" for China

What has it got in its pocketses? What's on Stupak's List?

With God -- okay, CBO -- on their side

Stupak coalition crack?

Is 'deem-and-pass' an irredeemable boondoggle?

Still Kicking: Nancy Pelosi

Pascrell on board for health care reform?

Durbin to House Democrats: We are not the enemy

Netanyahu's "weakness"

I feel very exhilarated...

Michael Mukasey's bait-and-switch: 'al Qaeda 7' for Yoo and Bybee

A whip for Rep. Pascrell on HCR

Trouble with the children of Israel

Zogby: Voters' "hearts" are with the Dems on health care reform

Ted Williams advises Dems on HCR

The sun never sets on the British blazer

"Enemy Belligerent" lawmakers: McCain and Lieberman

The name of the game is the finger game...

Tom DeLay undercuts Republican high dudgeon

A muff on the Mitt watch

Reconciling the press to reconciliation

You'd think Obama wrote the damned bill

Senate HCR bill today; public option tomorrow

Obama bends over backwards, and does not yield

1995 redux

Pelosi calls for courage -- and demonstrates it

Bipartisan health care reform: the sound of one hand clapping misleads on reconciliation

David Brooks "Dull as Expected" on health care reform

HCR Summit

We all fail if health care reform fails

Reconciliation explanation fail, cont.

Talking points m.o.

Chait, is the gate "wide open"?

Matt Miller's self-cancelling 'don't worry about the deficit now' argument

Rudolph Penner points a steep path toward budget salvation: tax reform and health care reform

"Shorter Scott Brown"

Calling Boehner Cantor et al...

Levinson's "Our Undemocratic Constitution": a book whose time has come?

Greece, hanging on a cross of Euros; U.S., hanging on a dollar-yuan?

On educating voters

The view from Pakistan: what capture? what advance?

Lindsey Graham lets the mask slip

The earth beneath their feet: Obama recasts health care reform

Sullivan's Song of Myself

Don't get her wrong

Building a new world order as China rises

Afghanistan redux: Obama's HCR surge

As in Afghanistan, Obama picks "none of the above" from the HCR menu

On jumping off our Constitutional shadow

The Plouffe of the pudding is in the (OFA) email.

A gallon of water at bedtime for bedwetters: Obama's HCR prescription

The contortions of Brooke Buchanan

Against the Weak Yuan, a Coalition of the Wounded?

To coin a PostPalinism....

How Obama will -- and won't -- lead on health care reform

Summers channels Krugman chanelling Uncle Sam(uelson)

1995 Redux: Call the Republicans' shut-down-the-Senate bluff

A "consensus" sans democracy?

If you think that Obama's open dialogue with House Republicans was remarkable,

A health care strategy in Obama's pregnant pause?

Did Nate Silver miss the big picture for once?

Grade for the great test of leadership: Incomplete

Is it already too late?

Quell Pascrell, who'd kill the bill

Quote of the Day

Plouffe offers political clarity on health care reform

Frank Rich wrote his column too early this week

Hillary puts the Chinese government in strange company

The staggering Narcissism of House progressives

Paging John McCain

One more chilling Cohn crie de coeur

Tory Hallelujah

Quote of the Day

Bad call of the month

Perfect money storm?

I disagree, Mr. President

Did Obama read Ezra Klein today?

Obama echoes Webb

Frank-ly disgusting

Webb drops a bomb on his putative party

Chait's crucial warning to Democrats

Who's thwarting 'the will of the people'?

Our allies the Iranians?

The U.S.-Israeli-Nazi-al Qaeda-Saudi plot against Iran

Ahmadinejad bait

Wise men,'s Democrats?

Question for Fallows: Can the U.S. "muddle through" to structural change?

Is the Iranian regime Sistani-able?

Verbal noun mash-up dazes headline reader

Who uses credit cards in Nigeria (or Ghana)?

The battle for a national health insurance exchange

Obama's healthcare priorities

Two ways of looking at a Hellfire

A cliff note for deconstruction

"Move your Money" -- if convenient and profitable

Writhing in the budget strait jacket

A matter of perspective

Old dogs, old tricks, tired people

Under the dull surface at Iran's PressTV

Back from the cliff's edge: Rory Stewart hails Obama's limited goals in Afghanistan

Iran admits that June uprising was spontaneous, indigenous

Krugman calls for a trade war with China