Sitemap - 2012 - xpostfactoid

As in December 2010, trading tax cuts

If Dems scotch a deal, cont.

At cliff's edge, Obama lays down his conciliator chips

The dangers of last-minute dealing

Does Andrew Dream of Electrified Woodchucks?

Undone by the gun lobby

Tyler Cowen's modest proposal for an imaginary GOP

Epistemic closure: the prequel

Dark matter in John Boehner's pool

Chaining ourselves to (slightly) higher tax rates

At least chained-CPI is chained to reality

When SSI is the only route to health insurance

Obama bridges a chasm

When Nick Kristof stretches a study

The Hobbit, or “Gone Forever”

In which I jump to a conclusion

Free to be, day by day

If loophole closures are benefit cuts, are benefit cuts tax hikes?

In which Henry Aaron talks himself into supporting a raised Medicare eligibility age

White man: "whaddaya mean, we?"

Obama, intrextrovert

The price of dealing with an extremist opposition?

Obama on the power of words

De-deducting your way to $800 billion in new revenue

An incentive that works less well than I thought

You want real deficit reduction? Try this...

In Spielberg's Lincoln, don't underestimate Thaddeus Stevens

If only votes were weighted by net worth...

The benefits of union

Notes from the bully pulpit: no one hears you when unemployment is at 10%

Writhing out of Norquist's embrace, Part V

Post-truth political appreciation

Does the Affordable Care Act "soak the young"?

Beautiful speech, but...

NRO's Jim Geraghty: Romney lost - tis all for the best

David Frum's seductive vision of the Moderate Mitt that might have been

In which I cozy up to my GOP governor

A prophet not without honor save in his own party

Obama can't quite keep it simple

Contrast of conservatives: Brooks vs. Bartlett

Change I still believe in

Another silver bullet for election forecasting

The real final score: Obama 11, Romney 1

Obama to his young supporters: Haply I think on thee...

Fiscal cliff notes: speak however, but wield that stick

How's that "more perfect union" working out?

Psychology of campaign donations: reverse-causation giving

Obama claims victory for his "United States"

Annus mirabilis

Burning off the nerves on election night

The president as champion of the people

Obamacare and the End of Days

Capitulate, Chait! Succumb, Drum! Obama's rhetoric is a force for change

The tribute Obama deserves

Romney's quicksilver Detroit turnaround

Romney Rules special edition: the meta-ethics of the post-truth campaign

"Ohio Slipping Away?"

Paul Krugman closes his own private enthusiasm gap

Obama looks forward to the whip hand

Conservative debate watchers have a point, but...

Moderate Mitt vs. Nimble Obama

The promise of an Obama second term

Obama, beware of Romnesia on foreign policy tomorrow night

RIP, George McGovern: we're still a long way from home

Poll-vaulting to debate glory

Why does Obama let Romney get away with his "doubled the deficit" charge?

Chris Hayes on Romney Rules

At the close, a ritual slaughter

Whither Obama on taxes?

Battleground state (of mind)

In defense of the boomers, who don't exist

Maybe I shouldn't do debate assessment

"The most important thing Joe Biden can do"

Done in by friendly fire? Dead-blogging the Obama-Romney debate

Tankersley's case against the boomers: summarily dismissed

xpostfactoid at 5

The credo of a community organizer

Generalizations about generations are generally fatuous

Time to trot out my 16-month unemployment movement rule

Romney is slippery when all wet

Just a flesh wound?

Obama beware: Romney's tax plan is a moving target

From AEI, one more weak whack at TPC's debunk of Romney's tax reform "plan"

When Fallows is Fallows

Giving Ryan undue credit for Wyden-Ryan

Mitt Romney's "them" vs. Bill Clinton's "I and thou"

Obama urges the world to win the future

Obama sings his half-step with the Arab Spring

Is "breaking the fever" Obama's fever dream?

Andrew Sullivan's vision for Obama is appealing. But what about Afghanistan?

Site note

"Unless" war is necessary? -- or until?

A fresh crop of Romney Rules

Rory Stewart's sorrowful assessment of the Afghanistan project

Ezra Klein's unconvincing theory that Obama misunderstands (or misrepresents) "change"

Meanwhile, outside our sandbox...

The 47 percent and the case for voter suppression

True conservatives to the Randians: you're devouring the base

Print those "Don't Worry About Me, Mitt" tee shirts! (or on second thought, don't)

Placeholder: Rattner suffers Ryan version confusion

Netanyahu drives his bus at Obama

Perfidious Obama, Assaultive Obama

The U.S. as "selective superpower"? Not if Romney can help it

Say it's so, Joe, and say it loud

Did Romney "panic"? Or revert to form?

The key word here is "disgraceful"

Obama freezes out extremists and hysterics

'Ware Nemesis, Obama

Mitt's standing prescription for America: Go (hardware) shopping

We may be on the brink of a democratic miracle

Obama maintains hope, but not in comity

When Clinton edits Clinton

In GOP heaven, St. Ronnie is lonely

Defending Medicaid is personal for Clinton

Bill Clinton gets personal

MIchelle brings Obama's story home

One gift of age

The Wall Street Journal editorialists rush in where Romney fears to tread

Romney launches an apology tour

Obama's message is jelling

What Romney means when he says Obama "attacks success"

Obama corrects an expired talking point

Some quick politicized thoughts at the checkout counter

The keynote in Charlotte

A plea to Warren Buffett and his ilk

In which Romney confuses two strongmen

What the battle for the undecideds boils down to

Obama flashes his debate strategy

Fallows builds up Romney the debater

GOP Demonization Index soars again

The Waiver President

Paul Ryan's Medicare/Medicaid shell game

And you shall teach them to your children

From Palin to Ryan: a short history of demonizing IPAB

Can the Competition Fairy control healthcare costs?

One big happy future family: Romneycare, Obamacare, Ryancare

How Ryan duped Wyden, cont.

How Wyden muddled the Democrats' attack on RyanCare

Misrepresentation of the ACA in the Supreme Court: a postscript

Two feelings about Slaughterhouse-Five

Romney Rule #14: You are responsible for your side's Super PAC; I'm not for mine

Hey, I caught a pattern in Oct. 2008

In which Kristof plays me like a fiddle

Mitt Romney, taxer of muni bonds?

A boring white guy will (counter)balance Romney's ticket

A data point on the conservative side

Buffalo Gardens 2012: A propensity for density

Why is Bowles-Simpson more progressive than Romney's "very similar" plan?

You didn't gild that: TPC hands Obama a sword of unvarnished truth to wield against Romney's tax plans

My land, how Romney whined when caught lying in 2002

Where Gore Vidal's ice melted

Quote of the day

Romney's pandering fools no one

GOP leaders: GOP is unfit to govern

Aspiring Pander in Chief offers Israel carte blanche

"There are a lot of smart people out there": Frum gets past Obama's loose pronoun

A little distance on the post-truth campaign

A glimpse of the post-ownership society?

When the Romney campaign perjured Romney (retroactively)

A line of attack with legs?

Romney Rule #13: Any attack on me negates all rules of engagement

An overwrought rap on Bain from the Boston Phoenix?

In which I agree with a Dish reader

The last time Romney stonewalled on taxes

Romney campaign contradicts Romney testimony

Some wispy hints that Romney was not 100% hands-off at Bain, 1999-2002

The only adult in the (Heritage Foundation) room

Romney to pick an UnPalin for Veep

Plain sense, and a touch of nonsense, from Obama on taxes

The method behind Mitt's mendacious madness

The presidential campaign in story and song

Romney deems Obama a liar ex post facto

Pitch me, Priorities USA

Thanks, Sarah! Americans believe the ACA has death panels

A quick question of law

The presidential campaign in story and song

A pair of July 4 warnings, and one eulogy

Justice Roberts spares the country's pound of flesh

Broccoli-robbed! The Wall Street Journal's beef with John Roberts

A radical departure? Congress can tax inactivity

Conservative justices deny Congress a power that Congress doesn't want

Scotusblog's finest hour

To what extent did SCOTUS inhibit Congress's power to regulate commerce?

"Verrilli, slapped silly, recovers willy-nilly" revisited

Footnote to a fact-checked false impression

As The American Prospect goes, so goes the American prospect?

My last best shot in defense of the ACA

The conservative justices shake the Etch-a-Sketch -- twice

What about state-imposed individual mandates?

Bring it on, Mitt

Smart messaging, with a large dollop of denial, from Aetna's Bertolini

The morality tale that may sink the ACA, cont.

Someone talk me down

Customer Relationship Management, Murdoch style

Would the ACA reduce the number of Americans on disability insurance?

In which Timothy Egan completes Tyler Cowen

A worrisome microsamplling

Three possible surprise rulings on the Affordable Care Act

Obama contrasts two economic visions -- and fact- vs. fiction-based campaigning

The day American democracy died?

Now cracks a noble heart

The kernel of truth in blaming Obama

Romney Rules, cont.: blame Obama for effects of policies I advocate

The real problem with Obama's June 8 press conference

Reminder: manufacturing jobs were not always 'good' jobs

Crumbling country watch

Romney Rules

Wisconsin shuts barn door after horse bolts

What's Obama's peer group job creation ranking? Way better than 47th of 50

Hey, maybe the Budget Control Act was a 60-yard punt for Obama after all...

Best Bill Clinton story ever?

Capitulation, revisited

Late pleadings for the ACA

Away marriage

The bogus economic basis of the case against the individual mandate

A false choice between hope and fear

Self-lacerating Sunday

The Paul Ryan presidency

"In Mitt Romney's America..." -- Scare us, Obama

Ask whom the mandate tolls

Iran wants sanctions relief; Israel ain't gettin' no total enrichment ban

Quote of the day

Gallup's scary polling on economic issues

About that NRO correction

An upright man who lies nonstop

Spinning in the mirror with Iran

A Rory Stewart Afghan strategy -- on timed release?

Is Obama still paying for the debt ceiling debacle?

Don Taylor envisions a distant healthcare compromise; might Justice Kennedy impose something like it next month?

A growing chorus indicts GOP intransigence (updated)

What poli-sci can't quantify

The Great Risk Shift, updated

A growing chorus indicts GOP intransigence

Citizens United* has

Portrait of the candidate as a cruel child

Misrepresentation of the mandate in the Supreme Court: why it still matters

Lugar's noble sign-off, leavened with false equivalence

Reset to Massachusetts moderate: Romney fondly recalls Bill Clinton

About that "treason" charge

Obama, four years later

Attention, Justices Kennedy, Roberts et al: read the young people's brief

Hey, Romneycare may get a 'death panel'

Supply-side gastronomics: does low rent and cheap labor mean good food?

A catastrophic error: The misrepresentation of the ACA's individual mandate in the Supreme Court

Obama at Bagram, cont.: a caveat for Samuel Popkin

A Catastrophic Error: The Misrepresentation of the ACA's Individual Mandate in the Supreme Court

Obama at Bagram: binaries, bookends and bye-byes

Gideon Rachman takes on Krugman on Eur-austerity

Tidbits from La Seduction: dinner with uncuddly Rupert, titters over DSK

CC Justices Kennedy, Roberts: A healthcare attorney details the catastrophic coverage options in the ACA

Israel vs. Iran: the kook's on the other foot

Kaiser weighs in: the ACA offers catastrophic coverage to all comers

If you were a Supreme Court justice...

Pulping the bully approach to presidential leadership, cont.

The individual mandate is a piece of Cake

Verrilli's 'limiting principles' for the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act

Another 'limiting principle' to individual mandate: states can opt out

Learning, pleasure, identity, mortality

Obama moved 'from hope to hardball' last September

Jonathan Cohn tells the justices: the ACA has catastrophic coverage options

Hey, Simon Johnson agrees with me!

Paint Romney as a conservative who's flipped his last flop

Attention, Barney Frank: Obama was the partisan warrior when it counted most

Cold War 2.0?

Malcolm X's enduring indictment

I'm in Mitt Romney's tax bracket...

Michael Carvin misrepresented the mandate in oral argument

"Those books are for kids"? C.S. Lewis says no

The ACA offers catastrophic coverage: the AP notices!

Cutting welfare in a recession: what doesn't go round doesn't come round

Obama's "math" for Ryan's budget: the assumptions are the point

Brainstorming for Santorum

Marty Lederman concurs: individual mandate could be trimmed not killed

The GOP conjures up a candidate

Obama: Reagan "could not get through a Republican primary today"

If IQ declines in rich countries, where does that leave our better angels?

Attention Alito, Roberts, Scalia: the ACA has a catastrophic coverage option

The joy of catcalling

Go tell the justices: the ACA has a catastrophic coverage option

If only Verrilli had said (A, B, C)...

GOP "cruelty" revisited, and redoubled

Verrilli, slapped silly, recovers willy-nilly

Rock-a my soul in the bosom of 'bamacare?

Of the tribe of Barack

Egyptian Etch-A-Sketch, fear in -huville, etc.

Erasing the context of Fehrnstrom's gaffe

Jeremy Ben-Ami: economic pressure doesn't work?

Does Netanyhau know whether Netanyahu has been "bluffing"?

Proud owners of the post-truth campaign

Rip Van Winkle looks at Super PACs

Courage, Peter Beinart

The busted grand bargain was terrible -- but was it even worse than we knew at the time?

Is anyone around here interested in peace?

Good riddance to Grand Bargain

Religious exemption for contraceptive coverage: who pays when the employer is self-insured? (cont.)

Attention, delegate math mavens: it ain't over when it's over

If the Democrats had a Romney of their own

The case for Obama's weakness that the GOP won't use

In defense (a little) of Mitt Romney

Romney keeps hacking at Obamacare's shadow limb

A blurry green line for Iran?

Bibi bearing gifts: it's the thought that counts

Obama maneuvers within a 'sacrosanct' commitment

The president who doesn't do sound bytes, revisited

Romney on Rush: it's the thought that counts?

Romney's blueprint for Obamacare, July 2009

The president who doesn't do sound bytes

Barack Obama, theocrat?

Here comes Bishop Romney

Obama's back (again...)

Calling Larry David

Yes, Citizens United did unlatch the Super PAC floodgates

On "moral responsibility" to Israel

A Sonnet to Mitt

In Mesa, Santorum completes his demolition of Romney's false Romneycare/Obamacare contrast

The race for fearmonger in chief

Another unheeded warning from Cassandra Krugman

Romney's abortion conversion fooled no one in 2005

Romney's lullaby can't soothe Detroit

In which I am blinded by my own propensities

Has the administration caved on contraception?

Mitt Romney, community organizer

Updated: Will self-funded plans have to offer contraception?

Obama: It ain't worth a fig if it ain't got my sig

Obama pops a morning-after pill

Chait on the chess master, and one missing piece

"The End of Wall Street as They Knew It": lament or celebration?

Will self-funded plans have to offer contraception?

Judging Obama by his own standards

Romney's lullaby, reprised

Niall Ferguson, enthusiast for the Iraq war, wants another preemptive strike

The U.S. held hostage

The Silver bullet for election prediction may need lengthening

Falstaff for president

Windows of the faraway soul

Attention, Tomasky: Obama always links prosperity to fairness

Eternal, ephemeral text

I hope this is representative

By Romney Rules, Romney likes to fire people

Reason vs. love, or Steven Pinker vs. Martin Luther King

Go tell the Democrats: the golden Newt-goose is dead

Cook little pot, cook!

Liberal Reagan redux

I funked a speech...

The difference between Gingrich and Romney distilled

Of Cohn and Karma

In which I extract some hope from the news of the day

Attention, David Brooks: "Romney grits" are not the issue

Obama the minimalist nation builder

Newt blames everyone but himself for his troubles (HUGE CHEERS)

Bill Clinton's post-mortem on 2010

The Perry Way of defamation

Thank GOP voters for small favors

Better Angels in Super Hornets

Shooting skeet was excellent practice. It taught them to shoot skeet."*

On leveraged debt bondage

Erasing the King of Bain Stain

Santorum promises universal daycare!

Citizens Divided via SuperPac

Tell us more, David Brooks: why do Americans mistrust government?

True Newt, false Newt

Perry keeps skidding on smears

Santorum double-blind

Socratic Santorum sidetracks students

Paint Romney as flip-flopper or right-winger? Both/and!

Gingrich goes Bob Dole one better

Obama through the looking glass(es)