Sitemap - 2013 - xpostfactoid

Good news:'s shop-only feature is now all you could wish

The Wall Street Journal's narrow view of narrow networks

The ACA is killing off a college plague: junk student insurance

Free market visionary foresees healthcare apocalypse

An all-too-hidden benefit in ACA insurance

What subsidy cliff? Jared Bernstein and Dean Baker defend the Affordable Care Act

The ACA's subsidy cliff for older buyers

Self-employed? That pre-ACA health insurance deduction is still there...

If only Obama would say what he's never stopped saying. If only he would do what he's done.

The long and the short of income inequality

Young, self-employed and seeking health insurance via the ACA exchanges? See an accountant

In which Ezra Klein shorts Avik Roy

The End of the End of History?

Obama's Mandela: man of interior action

WSJ hits ACA from the left

An early proponent of leading from behind

Obama portrays a nation at risk in bid to reset national agenda

About that "toothless" Dodd-Frank reform...

Against gratitude

A caveat for Ezra Klein

"People analytics" should lead to better pay in all jobs

Just what is the United States retreating from?

Bypassing, cont

C.S. Lewis: Joymongerer, democrat by default, less repressive than many of his critics, amateur philosopher

Red states' ACA exchanges: lab or slab?

Who needs

Low-tech glitches on

Status quo Sunday at the New York Times

"Urged on by Netanyahu..."

Working around summary

Working around, cont.

A private-market patch for the ACA?

The ACA as a framework for (further) conservative healthcare reform

More than just a website: state efforts to make the ACA work (and the lack thereof)

Joy eludes the Archbishop (Lewisian joy, that is)

Subtext to the WaPo disaster narrative: Sabotage works

No, 93 million Americans will not lose their health plans under Obamacare

Will red states stonewalling the ACA pay for self-inflicted punishment?

"What if Obamacare works?" -- What Ross Douthat leaves out

A companion list to The Atlantic's "50 Greatest Inventions"

John G. Taft's evasive honesty

The Obamaquester according to Harry

Okay, so our problem is GOP extremism -- but what's driving that?

We're still in the sequester's grip

Forever young in the New World

Twas the Night Before Shutdown (complete)

Twas the night be shutdown...Twas the night before default, cont.

Twas the Night Before Shutdown...Twas the Night Before Default

Twas the Night Before Shutdown

What McConnell could cook up with Reid

The party that loses by winning

Reading Oryx and Crake in the time of debt ceiling brinksmanship

Maybe it doesn't matter, but...

General Giap and the GOP

The Civil War, a distant mirror for Obama

Do tell, NYT, of Israel's place at the US policymaking table

Apocalypse now?

Does a clean CR mean a clean shot at Republicans?

The GOP is drunk on the proven power of extortion

In which Lavrov disavows the language of the Security Council resolution his country just agreed to

Wired for War

Okay, now he can't move them

On rate shock in Georgia

Democrats won't cave on Obamacare -- but on everything else...?

Flip the script, Mr. President

J Street can reason. The Anti-Defamation League merely emotes

But Greg Sargent, "handling and manipulation of process and theatrics" matter

So, Congress, how 'bout that AUMF?

America's "inward turn" is moderate and proportionate

Beyond disputin', an element of truth

Why did Putin do it?

Syrian site-setting in the Senate

Does Obama really need to choose whether he's a liberal or realist in Syria?

Did Nancy Pelosi (and Kerry) read Max Fisher?

Worth reading on Syria

What's the rush?

The WSJ spotlights an apparent anomaly in ACA subsidies

Diplomatic fantasy hour

In which Nicholas Kristof hurls a Hail Mary toward Assad

Obama's national narrative is a bit less triumphal these days

Great news! The debt ceiling deadline's been moved up

Democrats should shut down the government

My day in court, cont.

Where I'm at

Paul Krugman's moment of truthiness

Listen to Boehner, Dems. When he announces a negotiating strategy, he executes

My day in court

Boehner's not retreating, he's doubling down

Detroit's destruction began in its heyday

Obama's drinking gourd ain't no Holy Grail

Snowden, patriot; Obama, in denial

Obama's drinking gourd ain't no holy grail

For state GOP officials, a manual for undermining Obamacare

Are "burn your Obamacare card" proponents incurring potential liability?

Read that NYT exposé of price gouging in joint replacements? Here's an antidote

Reminder: chained-CPI means new revenue

The happiest wrong I could ever be

Obama girds for nuclear budget war, cont.

Long-suffering Lincoln

In which "strategic advisor" Howard Dean attacks IPAB

By reframing national agenda, Obama hopes to "force a different result" in budget negotiations

My fantasy flashes in the news, flickers, fades

Is Obama preparing for nuclear budgetary war?

Could a "doc fix" have a bigger impact on U.S. healthcare than the ACA?

Why is McCain suddenly John So-New-New?

Party of Spite

"Trayvon Martin could have been me"

Why I'm glad that Democrats didn't change the Senate rules

Nonsense question of the day: "Does Obama have a second-term strategy?"

The WSJ on the ACA, cont.

A Pooh guide to blogging

Poem for a hot summer Sunday

"Government-run healthcare," Singapore style

Pulping the bully approach to presidential politics, VI

Since you're here, read this

Mistrust among the poor

Who'll stop the hospital billing machine when you're "covered"?

An "introvert" in the White House

How does Roger Cohen know what Egyptians want?

OK, Krugman: How will hypocrisy help us?

The "I want the best" quality measure in healthcare

For Egypt, a warning from Aesop

In which Ezra Klein makes Avik Roy acknowledge why U.S. healthcare costs are so high

WSJ leans into the "rate shock" narrative for Obamacare

Children first in the acceptance of same-sex marriage

Civil unions are not marriage "in all but name"

Will we hear Obama in retrospect?

On Neustadt's gold standard for presidential power

Sweet spot for Obamacare exchanges: some competition, but not too much?

In which Bernstein's "anti-quagmire president" conforms to type

How now, Politico?

Healthcare consolidation perverted by pricing power

Did Obama just cross a Rubicreek in Syria?

Do past abuses of personal data point toward future abuses of NSA metadata collection?

Healthcare competition is good. Uniform pricing is better

The moral carpet bombing of Edward Snowden has begun

Intelligence's Heisenberg Principle

What Snowden sees, what Obama sees

Why would the president say no?

Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, and Fish

Who might suffer "rate shock" under the Affordable Care Act?

Submerged state update: Obamacare's gift of the MAGI

Ben Bernanke's over-the-cliff notes

Poor infrastructure breeds its own etiquette

Take two: Employers want to provide health insurance

U.S. employers want to provide health insurance

Love the sin, hate the sinner or whatever

Hobson's choices in Syria

Hire this woman

Another rung down for "Afghan good enough"

Obama on counterterrorism: will "redefines" become "unwinds"?

Kevin Drum's dangerous indulgence

Where Obama's Green Lantern lies

Does Obama subject African Americans to "targeted scorn"?

Obama gets personal at Morehouse

Two takes on Obama from Fallows

Housekeeping note*

Are "liberals" learning to love the sequester?

Eloquent omission, Damian Paletta

I get nervous when I read sentences like this, cont.

Picking at the healthcare Gordian knot

Vietnam as glimpsed from Camelot

Precedent Eisenhower

Kierkegaard, Julian, Obama

Intransigence got them the win. Intransigence keeps them from taking it.

Of consumer cathedrals and Catholic capitalists

A severed wasp: Democrats and the sequester

A different path for education reform

From what planet comes this one?

The Obamaquester

Two assessments of the Bush presidency

Obama on kinks in the arc of history

In which Alyssa Rosenberg scolds like it's 1562

In which Paul Krugman gets cutesy with causality

"They deserve a vote," cont.

Obama calls out the cowardice caucus

Peace at Antietam, Carnage in Copley Square

"They deserve a vote"

We are the 34%!

Alyssa Rosenberg thinks Romeo and Juliet "hasn't aged well," but her complaints are ageless

The perceptual alchemy wrought by chained-CPI

The three-quarters GOP win on offer

When the public supports the president's position...then what?

How binding is Justice Roberts' finding that the ACA's individual mandate exceeds Congress's Commerce Clause authority? - update

Abraham Lincoln: African Americans secured their own liberation

In which Obama publicly negotiates with himself

In which Alyssa Rosenberg scolds like it's 1562

Here comes Obama's new centrist budget...much like his old centrist budget

Chait all wet on high-stakes testing

Back to basics with gay marriage

David Frum raises a crucial non-issue for Democrats

HHS guidelines for privatized Medicaid expansion

Guess what happens when you tie teachers' (and administrators') pay directly to student test scores?

God evolves

A hat-tip to ARRA for the freight rail boom

Two presidents on popular sovereignty

Gone shellin'

Look what the GOP can get for $300 billion

I get nervous when I read sentences like this

The counter-scenario: Republicans cave on sequestration

Jack Goldsmith's disillusionment

The truest thing you will read today

Obama, the GOP's enabler

Political science consensus judgment of the day

Ryancare hits the workplace

Learning to love Obamacare, cont.

Medicare for all, or Obamacare for seniors? Or both?

Speaker for the dead? Nasr indicts Obama's AfPak policy in Holbrooke's name

As God gave him to see the right

How long have we known the truth about the Cuban missile crisis?

Did the two-year budget war just end with a GOP victory?

The tax-cutters' eternal advantage

Is there a displaced rational basis for blaming Obama?

Yes, Team of Rivals was Tony Kushner's "principal source" for Lincoln

About that conservative soft spot for means-testing

Woodward is peddling a nonsense conclusion. Why?

No, Bob Woodward, the White House did not move the goalposts on the supercommittee's charge

Breaking: U.S. senior benefits means-tested

Worse than a crime, etc.

What would Simpson-Bowles 2.0 do to Medicare?

The paradox of power, immigration reform edition

In which Obama induces false memory in Fallows, and I name that tune

David Goldhill, consider our dental dystopia

Morning in, ah, Medicare?

Obama's passionate pragmatism


Some thoughts about drone strikes and detention

The white paper defines "imminent" correctly. Now what?

Another cliff, another cave?

Will the 'doc fix' revolutionize U.S. healthcare?

The xpostfactoid service employee mandate

Obama and further deficit reduction

a second microblog post

Last year's contraceptive compromise completed: Federal government will pick up tab for contraceptive coverage at religious nonprofits with self-funded insurance plans

A microblog post

Syncophants, shills and charlatans at work

You say you want an evolution

Fever breaking?

Wait, Jonathan Bernstein has a point

What exactly is the danger for Obama in chasing the "liberal Reagan" mantle?

Yes, Reagan did change the trajectory

Obama, child of 2008, father to man of 2013

Meet the new Obama -- same (mostly) as the Old Obama

Our liberal history: Obama's oldest trope

Obama strips his credo to essentials while widening his net

A lawyerly second inaugural, or a piece of the president's heart? Or both?

Three professors of false equivalence look at the Obama-Boehner faceoff

Why the euphoria?

Geithner sees no evil in the bubble

Passive aggression against Netanyahu

Progressive consensus and debt ceiling scenarios

Apologies, commenters

"Not this time": Obama revises himself

Julianna Goldman questioned Obama's debt ceiling cred to his face. His response...

The next debt showdown...I see it!

The real budget battle: voucherize Medicare, or IPABize it?

Boehner's whining is finding an audience

Who's more scared of the sequester?

McConnell clears the way for more revenue hikes

Obama the centrist

The liberal Reagan of the Wall Street Journal's imagining

Uggh, my money is on McConnell

What I don't get