Sitemap - 2015 - xpostfactoid

Two reasons the proportion of young adults in ACA marketplace may be rising

Marketplace watch: ACA year in review

What about a state-level public option (with a remixed subsidy schedule?)

"Coordination without consolidation!"

Higher health plan prices may bring *more* young buyers into the exchanges

Obama to Inskeep: I'm not Eisenhower, ISIL is not the Soviet Union, the media is not the culprit, the country is not in crisis

What if all private health insurers paid 120% Medicare rates?

Narrow networks: a crooked path to affordable healthcare?

About that deadline,

The moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow

Once more, slowly: Obama sends a signal through the noise

Ripples in the ACA risk pool

Trump, the musical

Attention, Secretary Burwell: If you really want ACA shoppers to consider more than price....

Partial protection against balance billing? More on the NAIC model law

The NAIC takes on balance billing

HHS embraces high deductibles

Dollars to donut holes, Ambetter undercuts the competition (including UnitedHealthcare)

Ambetter's donut hole coverage: high deductibles alloy ACA silver

In ACA exchanges, the key word is "exchange"

"A million bin Ladens will bloom"

A month of "yes buts"

It's fair, O Robert Pear, to spotlight high deductibles in ACA plans. But some context is missing.

Premium vs. deductible: New tools oversimplify

The Counter-Upshot: Obamacare is quite as egalitarian as it appears

An NHIS non sequitur

Your health insurer may not want to control the cost of medical care

Supporting the biggest decision for ACA marketplace shoppers

How bronze plans offer fool's gold to the Treasury

Forecast: Bronze plan takeup will rise in California in 2016

Affordable underinsurance? That's where's new total cost estimator may steer you

More on Charles Gaba's "Two glaring errors in the WSJ anti-Obamacare editorial"

Surprise! Where silver plans are cheaper, more people buy them

Hillary homes in on antitrust enforcement

Who leaves employer-sponsored insurance on the table?

The opposite of Bernie Sanders

In ACA marketplace, low-hanging fruit is more than half picked

Rational choice in the ACA marketplace - Santa Cruz edition

The shrinking subsidizable ACA private plan buyer pool

Hey, Jeb! Who's getting those "huge new subsidies" under the ACA?

Cost Sharing Reduction in Covered California

Mysteries of the Maryland ACA Marketplace, cont.

What's a "typical" silver plan? Not what Emory researchers say it is

Addled by the metal level

Mysteries of the Maryland Marketplace

So, ACA marketplace, how're you doin so far? [Updated 10/14]

"You oughta be in Medicaid" revisited

"Are marketplace plans affordable?"

The Pope's swift turns of thought

Hillary Clinton's pocket patches for healthcare costs

ACA exchanges in 2016: targeting just 6.4 million subsidy-eligible uninsureds?

Why does the Census show such small gains among the poor in government-provided health insurance?

Sure, Kasich hates the ACA and the Iran deal

The Census on health insurance gains: who got what and how?

Kaiser tracks modest premium increases for benchmark plans -- which means what to whom?

The feds are taking cost sharing and premium subsidies away from many ACA private plan enrollees

Some low-income ACA shoppers bought gold plans*

Obama overcompensates for winning

The ACA's uncertain shield against underinsurance: A CSR compendium

No man is an island -- but the GOP is

Five factors driving (or inhibiting) CSR takeup in ACA private plan markets

Name Ohio "McKinley" -- and don't stop there!

Why Trump wants a wall

Which insured Americans get no subsidy whatsoever?

Biden in Pilgrimage to Democrats' Matron Saint

How many of the uninsured know what's on offer? Not many, Urban finds

A quibble with Avalere over CSR takeup

A tough progressive critique of the ACA

The Urban Institute's Medicaid expansion proposal could help the ACA private plan market

As the ACA mandate bites harder, will a Bronze Age follow?

Pet insurance: permission to spend?

Best tool against inequality: antitrust enforcement? (of two kinds?)

What if Congress rejects the Iran deal? Ex-Mossad chief Halevy fills in the blanks

Five Republicans who are not democrats

Obama against the warmongers

The definition of chutzpah

Underinsured and deep in debt: which cracks did this family fall through?

Rejoice, Uticans! A shower of silver shall rain upon you in 2016.

New York's ACA exchange publishes takeup rates for Cost Sharing Reduction

Pennsylvania Medicaid expansion enrollment jumps; have newly Medicaid-eligible 2014 private plan enrollees jumped with it?

Some sidelights on Covered California's modest rate increases for 2016

The source of Huckabee's Holocaust porn

New light on QHP enrollees' income levels in states that refused to expand Medicaid

Utah and Alaska are on course to expand Medicaid. Are their eligibility estimates inflated? (Updated)

For ACA plan buyers, it's not the price, it's the price spread

Call me naive, but...

Where are Pennsylvania's low-income 2014 private plan enrollees?

Saved from the Medicaid Gap

ACA in Mississippi: Low incomes, high silver selection, high attrition -- and no Medicaid

Alabama's Obamacare buyers ride a Silverado

Refusal to expand Medicaid swelled Florida's private plan ACA signups

The president's left hand

Last laugh for Republicans in the SCOTUS session that was

An add-on health benefit for same-sex couples who marry

Obama's eulogy for Clementa Pinckney was also autobiography

For my own scrapbook...

My call on King

A quarter of those who stand to lose ACA subsidies should be in Medicaid

Polling reflects the ACA's tough tradeoffs

For ACA marketplaces, the near-poor have been the sweet spot

Why the ACA remains unpopular, cont.

Housekeeping note: Pennsylvania story in progress

Victims of an ACA subsidy cutoff may live mainly in Republican districts -- but will they vote?

Hillary's short history of inequality is too short

Five under-reported facts about the ACA

On ACA exchanges, silver is usually not silver

John Barrasso's tell: King is a fraud

Connecticut continues to crush it on Cost Sharing Reduction

Times reporters call bullshit on senators' surveillance claims

"Strong enough to be self-critical": Obama's handwritten additions to Selma speech

New data on Cost Sharing Reduction in ACA marketplaces

Too many choices on ACA exchanges?

Republican conundrum: Can the federal government subsidize private health insurance without regulating it?

Underinsurance: What's offsetting the rise in deductibles?

LBJ before Selma: wait -- no, go

Mysteries of underinsurance in the Commonwealth Fund survey

Commonwealth and Kaiser on underinsurance

Your money or your life

Post-King fallout: Waiting for Superwaiver?

Obama and Warren: A contrast in rhetorical styles

Barbara Pym's quote-happy Brits

A modest post-King proposal

Any low income readers from PA out there?

The ACA and the Working Class - Kevin Drum Festschrift

The conversation shifts toward wages

Why inner city hospitals move to greener pastures

ACA customer satisfaction: it's the prices

Scrap the ACA's awkward dual subsidy system?

Program note: Kevin Drum festschrift

New York to make health insurance *really* affordable for low-income residents

Preview: Lots of Medicaid-eligible Pennsylvanians re-enrolled in QHPs

Does inequality make us more conservative? Maybe, but so does liberal policy enactment

Obamacare customers "stick with"

Why did outdraw the state exchanges in 2015?

An Israeli moderate's breathtaking sense of entitlement

Why do more people say the ACA has harmed than helped them?

Sharing the cost-shifting

Affordable health insurance vs. affordable health care

1.9 million private plan enrollees on would have been eligible for Medicaid if their states had accepted the expansion

In Washington State, too many low-income bronze plan buyers

"Obamacare, Obamacare! stay a little. Ha!*

Israelis read Obama right. Well, half right.

Chastising Netanyahu: Fury or cold calculation?

On U.S. support for Israel, Obama is turning the battleship a few degrees

Obama's America, and mine

Administration rebuke to Netanyahu name-checks those "indissoluble bonds"

Medicaid expansion means a richer QHP buyer pool on ACA exchanges

Minnesota's "public option"

A reduced ACA spending projection that no one should celebrate

Timothy Jost Discusses an ACA Provision that Should Kill the King Suit

How to love America, by Barack Obama

And now for something completely frivolous..

Nicholas Bagley parses the oral arguments in King v. Burwell

Well, Ezra Klein, Republicans may not have "plan" to save insurance markets after King. But they may deal

Republican can do what they will to American healthcare -- by accepting the Affordable Care Act

Three signs the ACA private plan marketplace is working

King v. Burwell and Congress v. P5 + 1

Gallup misreads its state ACA data: state-run marketplaces no better at reaching uninsured

Michael Leavitt envisions a post-King negotiation to amend the ACA

Conservative reform of the ACA: cutting strings at different ends

Obama's seductive love for America

The disappearing shoparound on

The case against King, by Scalia, Kennedy et al

No, Clinton and Frist, ACA marketplace coverage will not render CHIP unnecessary

Love in the time of Obamacare

Obama soft-focuses our domestic ills

Hey, HHS, you're boasting about the wrong metric

Narrow networks: a painful of tourniquet on a bleeding healthcare system

Sail on, Sullydish

Yes, Ta-Nehisi Coates, it's good to be right

Too many aid-eligible ACA applicants say they were "told" otherwise

The real world case against King: Should the Supreme Court impose "risks and uncertainties" on U.S. economy?

When employers drop coverage: Two brokers' perspectives on the individual market in the ACA era

HHS expected *more* low-income ACA buyers to select silver plans

Will Republicans now learn to hate Medicare payment reform?

The ACA provision that should kill King, updated

Bronze ACA plans are skimpy, but compared to what?

How is the ACA affecting employer-sponsored insurance?

Reagan Revolution rollback

Maryland's low income ACA customers benefit from Connecticut's site design

If King is upheld, what will Congress do?

Stuck with Billy Pilgrim

The ACA: Good policy, tough politics

In Rhode Island, low-income ACA buyers chose silver

The ACA's invisible deductible discounts

Not quite the Harvard plan, but....

In which Obama rhetorically contains the Islamic State

Tapped out in Kentucky, cont.