Sitemap - 2020 - xpostfactoid

At the New Year, pause to celebrate Medicaid

The ACA as pandemic safety net

In response to the pandemic, ACA marketplace enrollment was likely up 6 percent-plus by June 2020, year-over-year

At pandemic's peak, Medicaid expansion enrollment is keeping pace

ACA marketplace enrollment up 10% in states that haven't expanded Medicaid

NJ legislature rushing to enable de facto for-profit conversion of Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield

The Trumping of the American Mind: Michelle Goldberg vs. Corey Robin

As long as no one is thrown off Medicaid, will enrollment keep growing by 1% per month?

From those wonderful folks who brought you ACA nullification....

Insured Americans' MOOP exposure rises relentlessly

Medicaid enrollment growth stays on pace in October

State Medicaid enrollment totals in light of CMS's (lagging) reports

Pennsylvania transforms its ACA marketplace with one sentence

ACA Medicaid expansion enrollment continues to swell as pandemic surges

ACA Ok? Once again, Chief Justice Roberts seems to dismiss an argument from intent

Improving the ACA under gridlock, Part II: Innovation waivers and new revenue sources

Trump's corrupt schemes didn't help him -- but they didn't hurt him either

A healthcare reform plan for Joe Biden with a Republican Senate

If Republicans had succeeded in ACA repeal in 2017: state snapshots

What if Republicans had succeeded in repeal of the Affordable Care Act?

A narrow look at the broad middle of the ACA marketplace

Cheaper gold in the ACA marketplace's high-enrollment counties

In NJ Spotlight News: "Happy Launch, GetCoveredNJ: Don’t Forget NJ FamilyCare"

September update: ACA Medicaid expansion enrollment up 19% since February in 16-state sample

ACA marketplace 2021: Cheap gold proliferates

New Jersey's new state-based ACA marketplace subsidies *rise* with income

Estimate: Total Medicaid enrollment stands at 78 million

Job losses and the uninsured rate in the pandemic: A one-state snapshot

ACA marketplace enrollment in Covid-19 season: Flat? Up a million? Both?

Estimate: Between 42 million and 50 million people have enrolled in ACA-compliant plans since 2014

Medicaid enrollment (likely) up 9% since February

Trump's healthcare plan, revealed

Estimate: ACA Medicaid expansion enrollment has increased by more than 2 million in the pandemic

At The American Prospect: Medicaid, the ACA's mainstay

Medicaid expansion enrollment far outstrips marketplace enrollment and is the chief bulwark against huge spikes in uninsured population

What's the matter with California? The mystery of flat Medi-Cal enrollment, revisited

Pandemic Medicaid enrollment powers into August

On Aaron Carroll's Coronavirus cap-and-trade

Obama's montage of American history darkens

Has Medicaid enrollment reached 77 million? (updated)

The ACA today: A mid-pandemic assessment

Medicaid enrollment in Utah could use a state push

Medicaid enrollment in a pandemic: 26-state snapshot

In a devilish pandemic, Medicaid expansion is Utah's cave up in the hills

Weak silver loading and state-based subsidies in New Jersey's ACA marketplace

New Jersey poised to add state premium subsidies to federal in ACA marketplace

Surprise/no surprise: ACA marketplace enrollment is UP in 2020 (on-exchange only)

Want a SEP? You'll have to schlep...CMS ends application streamlining on

Testimony in support of a Health Insurance Assessment in New Jersey

How to boost Medicaid enrollment in a pandemic: Kentucky's Cara Stewart has an idea or eight

How many newly uninsured? Families USA and the feds paint different pictures

Medicaid enrollment in a pandemic: 18-state snapshot (expansion only)

Where is Medicaid enrollment surging? A June update

Washington's ACA exchange gets its priorities straight

"Anyone without health insurance can apply now" -- way to keep it simple, NYSOH

Loss of health insurance looks modest so far, but it's early days

In a crisis, Democrats bench the ACA marketplace

Going Japanese with Medicaid for the duration of the pandemic

Misinformation about Medicaid on state and federal websites

The elephant not in the room on ACA exchanges

Covering the newly uninsured in New York: The BHP advantage

Where is Medicaid enrollment surging? Notes from a few states

Wasting asset for insuring the newly uninsured: State unemployment insurance agencies

"In the mourning we find hope": Biden's somber recast of Obama's story of America

Medicaid For All Who Want It, Pandemic Edition

Medicaid enrollment in a pandemic: The case of Kentucky

C'mon, states: take the wraps off Medicaid

New Jersey's "Get Covered" message submerges Medicaid

Obama's bid to bend the arc back toward justice

Hey America, let's go through the Obamagate

Getting insured after job loss: Just how complicated?

The ACA as it should have been: Massachusetts' ConnectorCare in a crisis

Enrollment in Medicaid surges in Minnesota

ACA enrollment in a pandemic: What we know so far

Insuring the newly uninsured: COBRA or ACA?

Boosting ACA coverage in a time of mass unemployment: State options

CMS answers a $600 question will not require proof of loss of coverage from the newly uninsured

Smooth the path to Medicaid enrollment for the newly uninsured

ACA marketplace 2020: CSR takeup continues to erode

With Biden's public option, who needs Biden's Medicare buy-in?

Squinting at likely new Medicaid and marketplace enrollment as job losses accelerate

Reverse reinsurance for COVID-19 treatment

ACA enrollment train wreck coming

The newly unemployed also need an emergency Special Enrollment Period

Our emerging public option: Medicaid

CARES Act may reduce ACA "coverage gap" in states that refused Medicaid expansion

Enhanced unemployment benefit will skew ACA marketplace/Medicaid enrollment

Unemployed alert: When NOT to seek health insurance through the ACA marketplace

The ACA marketplace in year 7: The navigators' view

Emergency Special Enrollment Periods in 12 state ACA marketplaces: How easy?

The ACA as recession insurance, revisited

The ACA wars through a pandemic lens: Nicholas Bagley looks back

Limit Americans' out-of-pocket exposure for Coronavirus treatment

How about a national reporter hotline for Coronavirus balance billing?

Coronavirus alert: How about an emergency Special Enrollment Period for the ACA marketplace?

Employer-sponsored insurance is deteriorating. What about fixing it rather than replacing it?

The ACA at 10: The navigators' tale (preview)

The ACA at 10: Resilient, yes, but...

Will Americans' fear of high medical bills hinder Coronavirus containment?

The card spells MOOP: Will Covid-19 expose Americans to financial risk?

The one executable healthcare reform plan put forward by a presidential candidate

Six years later: Some stuff we've learned (or think we've learned) about the ACA marketplace

Bronze plans are terrible. Bronze plans are often the best choice.

But love grows old and waxes cold: #HealthPolicyValentines 2020

States seeking to reduce their uninsured populations must beware a Catch-22

The year after: Does reinsurance boost marketplace enrollment?

Everything changes: Demographics inside and outside the ACA marketplace

Eye of the hurricane? The ACA marketplace in 2020

Frederick Isasi: Three healthcare trends, three power struggles

At Health Action 2020: Once more unto the breach, dear friends

No mandate penalty, no problem? The jury's still out

Juice it, Jersey: What silver loading anemia looks like

Has silver loading reduced mortality?

Is "free" a magic word in the ACA marketplace?