What will happen to the ACA if there is another Trump administration? How much more can it be weakened (again)?

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If he has a Republican Congress I think this time they'd pass the kind of repeal bill that failed last time, because they'd be more subservient to him. If Democrats controlled one branch of Congress, and Republicans didn't effectively negate the Constitution and neuter Congress, the next admin, I think, would be less constrained by the letter of the ACA than the last was. They would probably let states credit subsidies to plans that didn't comply with the ACA, for one thing. They would push hard to enable states to impose work requirements on Medicaid recipients, while packing the courts to make judicial approval of work requirements more likely.

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President Trump rescued and revitalized the ACA. What policies did he implement that you did not like? What did he not do that you wanted and expected?

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