Sitemap - 2017 - xpostfactoid

2017: A year of healthcare combat

Joshua Peck looks back at's evolution

Christmas for ACA advocates

In which I fire a popgun against balance billing

Sabotage judo: States can turn individual mandate repeal to their advantage

On tax bill, Josh Gottheimer's Problem Solving is a problem

What I've learned as an ACA assister

Planning a two-step retirement, because health insurance

Steering clear of the subsidy cliff in the ACA marketplace

Where we're at now

Late Days of Empire Edition: Health Wonk Review

The marketplace isn't all roses for the subsidized, either

A Medigap for the Marketplace?

The tax bill from hell

Halfway back to the future in the individual market for health insurance

Replacing the individual mandate with auto-enrollment, part II

Who'll go to the mat for the individual mandate?

Tax math for dummies like me

Trump thinks Putin's mind works like his

Hey, Republicans: Auto-enrollment is within reach

For Whom the Bronze Bell Tolls in the ACA Marketplace

Free bronze or CSR-boosted silver? The choice in 5 top marketplace counties

CSR windfall: Will it have bronze or gold cast?

Alert: "plan preview" tool is malfunctioning [FIXED as 10/28]

We already have the high would adding HSAs hurt?

Mulvaney's ACA demands: Give him one out of three?

Bronze and gold plan discounts in California, 2018

Does the Alexander-Murray bill adequately protect vulnerable groups?

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong

60% of ACA marketplace enrollees with CSR are in nonexpansion states

Trump is stiffing health insurers for three months in 2017. States can make Treasury eat the cost.

Can blue states protect their health insurance markets from Trump's executive order?

States vary in their responses to CSR uncertainty

"X" is for ten: An anniversary for xpostfactoid

Covered California to middle-class enrollees: There (may be) gold in them thar hills

How well will function for 2018?

The ACA is London after the Blitz

CSR takeup: Good enough for me* and Emily Gee

What might moderate Republicans do to the ACA?

A healthcare homepage chorus screaming STOP at Senate Republicans

If bipartisan ACA legislation comes back to the House, remember the Problem Solvers

My letter to Chris Christie on Graham-Cassidy

How could Patty Murray "thread the needle" with Lamar Alexander?

Synthetic single payer

Census: ACA cut uninsured rate in half in Medicaid expansion states by 2016

Elizabeth Warren is for single payer, sort of. And against healthcare profiteering...sort of.

ACA innovation waivers: a need for speed? Not so fast, says Emma Sandoe

How to hand the keys to an unfit successor

"Just a little procedural easing" those ACA innovation waiver guardrails!

ACA marketplace remake: Iowa leverages Wellmark's warm cooperation

Not throwing away our Schatz: What kind of public option in the ACA marketplace?

If I had $194 billion...spending the federal funds that CSR cutoff would waste

Can Democrats afford to stand pat on the ACA?

Compromise maybe a little? Urban Institute's Blumberg and Holahan on what's next for the ACA

What price will Republicans extract for CSR funding and reinsurance?

Are New York's Essential Plan and Minnesota's MinnesotaCare threatened by CSR fund cutoff?

Peter Lee to HHS: Marketing makes the risk pool

Managed Medicaid for all? A compendium

"Not losing, choosing"? - Avik Roy turns up the gaslight on the BCRA

Go ahead, Trump, cut off CSR payments -- starting in 2018

If serious compromise on healthcare were possible, what would Democrats give?

A pill quite poison from Frelinghuysen

Not drowning but waiving: Timothy Jost on how Democrats might compromise responsibly on ACA

Those uninsured by the BCRA "not losing, but choosing"? Get ready to hear it more.

Info sources for healthcare wars

Healthcare spending cuts, Democrat style. Healthcare spending cuts, Republican style

The real cost of "benchmark silver" for low income BCRA enrollees

The party of Cost Sharing Inflation

Trading Medicaid coverage for high deductible private market coverage

Quick thoughts before the bill hits the tape

AHCA would increase New Jersey's uninsured population by 540,000: NJPP Report

Amend the Senatized AHCA

An American road to single payer

The Medicaid Dismemberment Act

Senate "moderates" promised long ago to support the ACA repeal bill in progress

Senate Republicans may outspend the ACA on individual market subsidies -- at Medicaid's expense

Senate exterminators gear up to expel Medicaid expansion beneficiaries

As Republican moderates cave on Medicaid cuts, what can Dems do?

AHCA Reduces Federal Spending on Private Health Insurance by....4%

The senescence of the United States

Alternative Facts, Alternative Realities Edition of Health Wonk Review

Does Avik Roy want to preserve or privatize the Medicaid expansion?

CBO flips off the Upton Amendment to the AHCA

AHIP puts Medicaid first in "do no harm" plea to Republicans

CBO: Some states will kill protections for those with pre-existing conditions -- and oh yes, the AHCA still eviscerates Medicaid

Medical Billing: The Ten Do-well Commandments (after Elisabeth Rosenthal)

Single Payer in CA? The impediments are mountainous

My letter to the Senate Finance Committee about ACA repeal legislaton

CMS's warmup for AHCA-world: Guidance on ACA innovation waivers

A Sparer means to universal health insurance

The Beatles mourn Republican moderates

Also undead: Cassidy-Collins

An ill-timed vacation

Medicaid is cheaper. Ergo...

Start over, MacArthur

Will Medicaid drown in a high risk pool? (updated)

The pre-existing condition smokescreen

Sing away the AHCA

The Kaiser misunderstanding

Tom MacArthur doesn't want you to know he's ready to uninsure millions

Tom MacArthur's faith-based waiver for the AHCA

Trump logic, self-defined

Cutting off CSR is a war on the near-poor

Of index investing and traditional Medicare

New Jerseyans with pre-existing conditions, by Congressional District

Oklahoma points the way to healthcare peace

If Republicans had created the ACA marketplace...

Single payer by inches?

Kaiser and me, on average AV

The cost of single payer: roughing it out

Affordable Care Anthem

"Medicaid expansion is the jewel of the ACA"

What comes after "catastrophic success"? Larry Jacobs on Democrats' healthcare choices

What's next for Democrats in the healthcare wars?

Progressives, don't forget: The Freedom Caucus killed the AHCA

Trump threatens ACA marketplace collapse and nuclear blame war

The semi-satisfied unsubsidized

AHCA vs. ACA: Total subsidized shares of costs at different income levels and ages

Christopher Ruddy's alt-Trump

David Frum for HHS Secretary


"Moderate" Republican opposition to AHCA is looking very squishy

Psst, Democrats: Help Republicans out of the repeal box via Cassidy-Collins

Do we have to repeal the ACA to find out what's in it?

Short history of the decline and fall of American democracy

Pre-ACA, patchwork protections worked for the lucky

"Where the hell are you?"

Two comparisons of Price plan vs. ACA marketplace are roughly congruent

Triage, Sister Simone, triage

Health Action 2017: Times that try our souls

More than half of ACA marketplace enrollees are in states that refused to expand Medicaid

Love knows no repeal: HealthPolicyValentines 2017

Absent: A Novel speaks to our American present

ACA doctors (of the law): What would you do with $3-5 billion per year?

Repair, not replace -- rebranding, or real change? Watch the Medicaid expansion

In a fraudster's grip

Help me tell ACA stories

If ACA is repealed, how many will max out on restored lifetime coverage caps?

An exit ramp for Republican senators queasy about ACA repeal-and-delay

Losers and winners under medical underwriting

Betsy McCaughey, mother of the death panel myth, is gaslighting the ACA again

Fight ACA insta-repeal: Contact strategically placed friends and family

A good day for the ACA

ACA defenders don't need to "learn from" the Tea Party. They beat them in 2009-10

TrumpCare's coming! What kind of garbage in a gold box awaits us?

It's up to you to save the ACA

Careful with that study! A second look at enrollment decisions in Covered California

The Rosetta Stone of Cost Sharing Reduction takeup in the ACA marketplace

Medicaid envy in the rust belt

Who are the "20 million" insured via the ACA?

How Democrats might lose the ACA insta-repeal battle and win the war