Sitemap - 2019 - xpostfactoid

2019: Medicare at Will, Warren in the whirlpool, silver loading Year 2....

Whither humanity? Three NYT snapshots

Assessing 2020 ACA marketplace enrollment? Don't forget Virginia's 2-year Medicaid expansion shakeout

Michael Bloomberg's healthcare plan eats its own tail

The Cadillac Tax: An idea whose time never came

Uninsurance goes (slightly) upscale, Kaiser edition

Forget free bronze plans: millions of uninsured are eligible for CSR silver

Ross Douthat and the "expert-fashioned architecture" of the ACA

Should Snoopy be your editor?

GetCoveredNJ hits cable TV with its first ad

Fewer Americans qualify for ACA marketplace subsidies

Just how poor is ACA marketplace takeup?

The Kaiser Family Foundation is shaping (or showing the shape of) our healthcare debate

In Health Affairs: Silver loading goes into reverse, cont.

Another Hanukkah miracle due in Week 7 of ACA Open Enrollment for 2020?

Hey blue states: How about offering a public option off-exchange only?

I almost got snared in the short-term health insurance market

Elizabeth Warren crosses a rhetorical Rubicon

Elizabeth Warren's healthcare two-step

How would a 20% drop in base ACA marketplace premiums affect enrollment?

Should states pursue reinsurance for their ACA marketplaces?

Looks like New Jersey's reinsurance trade-off paid off

Silver loading 2020 update: The sky isn't falling

Oscar throws a wild card into the 2020 ACA marketplace

Silver loading goes into reverse in 2020

What is Elizabeth Warren cooking up?

On Trump's fight to uninsure people

Rule of law, for now

Privatizing Medicare: Paul Ryan's soul goes marching on

Trump's bid to destroy Medicare

The logic underpinning Medicare for all who want it

Just how big a bite does healthcare cost growth take out of earnings?

Employer-sponsored insurance as we know it is unsustainable. Now what?

Unsubsidized? Buy bronze (probably)

Elizabeth Warren's healthcare toggle switch: A two-year review

What's so great about Medicare?

Buttigieg goes first! -- Decries predatory hospital pricing and proposes to do something about it

Healthcare regulation by exposé

Uninsurance goes upscale: The Census's Health Insurance Coverage Update for 2018

When silver loading discounts trump strong CSR (the nonexpansion state "advantage," take 5)

Why 2019 ACA enrollment drops were concentrated in Medicaid expansion states on, Take 4

For further study

Healthcare reformers can't leave employer-sponsored insurance untouched

Who pays for astronomically expensive orphan drugs? Some questions prompted by the NYT report

Surprise! New Jersey ACA marketplace outperforms the national market

The retentive ACA marketplace, revisited

CMS subtext: The ACA marketplace is in recovery

Is subsidized enrollment in the ACA marketplace really up since 2016?

CSR attrition vs. silver loading stimulus, 2017-2019

ACA marketplace enrollment is down at low incomes as well as at high ones

New Jersey individual market premiums set to rise, bucking national trend

Triage: A moderate healthcare reform proposal

Should the U.S. ditch private insurance?

Bernie Sanders is the Pied Piper of Healthcare Hamlin

New colors in the spectrum of Democratic healthcare reform plans

The Ten Counts of Obstruction (with apologies to Lin-Manuel...)

Pelosi and co. on impeachment: Not if, when?

New enrollment drop in California: Probably the mandate repeal

Gold plans are pretty cheap in Florida's ACA marketplace. They should be way cheaper

Biden Plan: An ACA 2.0/Medicare for America hybrid

Sweeney's amendment to ACA exchange bill: Moar Medicaid enrollment integration?

Mining the silver lode (or not): A tale of two blue states

Turning Washington's public option to gold

New Jersey Senate passes bill to establish state-based ACA exchange: What was the holdup about?

Elizabeth Warren is faking it on healthcare, part 2

Did the Trump administration just open a back door to to a massive "Medicare" buy-in?

Voters understand Medicare-for-all better than Bernie does

New Jersey off-exchange enrollment rose in 2019: Did cheap off-exchange silver help?

ACA Medicaid expansion: Lien on me?

Now they really are a dream team

Just how much does Medicaid expansion lighten the silver load?

The problem with silver loading in New Jersey

Silver loading and 2019 enrollment: A compendium

Silver is platinum. Insurers should treat it as such. Regulators should make them.

Silver loading is just getting started

What state laws ratifying ACA marketplace rules can and can't accomplish

Michael Bennet misrepresented his Medicare-X bill on CNN

Medicare for all who want it: Potential and pitfalls

"Medicare for all who want it" raises the kludge question

Folding Medicaid into Medicare for America: Will states pay their share?

Seniors' costs under Medicare for America, continued

If Medicare for America passes, some seniors would pay more (and get more) than at present

Would Medicare for America phase out employer-sponsored insurance?

A major fix in Medicare for America 2.0

Benefit cliffs in the ACA marketplace

Take a hike, xpost

What if a candidate took voters' stated healthcare priorities literally?

Let's call it 160% Medicare...Washington state public option

Medicare-X 2.0 deserves a second look

Toward universal coverage: A bestiary of Democratic healthcare bills

Medicare at Will

Expanding the footprint of Medicare payment rates is hard: Washington State edition

Cold comfort for low income workers insured through their employers

Latinx enrollment continues to *rise* in states

BlueWaveNJ on the cost of ACA nullification

CSR takeup bends slightly under silver load at incomes up to 200% FPL

The ACA as recession insurance

Which Democratic healthcare reform bills offer the most affordable coverage to the most people?

Trump healthcare reruns: Graham-Cassidy and the Sundowning Kid

Why were CSR improvements cut from Frank Pallone's ACA 2.0 bill?

2019 ACA Enrollment: More silver loading effects, CSR enrollment down in SBEs

Medicare for America might let private insurance thrive

Medicare for America...for how many candidates?

Would a public option mean fewer claims denials?

Hospital industry will brook no Medicare expansions

New enrollment drops in ACA marketplace have decelerated since 2017

The shrinking but retentive ACA marketplace

Blue states willing to invest in ACA marketplace: Help those over 400% FPL or under?

The public option we really need

A public option to get claims paid

On modular Medicare expansions

X-factor in Medicare X: A silver plan discount?

A hole in the heart of Medicaid/Medicare buy-in plans

Federal government's new CSR liability boosts Democrats' leverage in Congress

Medicare at 50 Act: A bonanza for low income near-elderly

The Choose Medicare Act: How strong is this public option?

What if the Obama administration had ended direct CSR reimbursement in 2016?

Should Democrats seek to kill the anti-ACA lawsuit with legislation? Bagley v. Jost

The water is wide: Health Policy Valentines 2019

Medicaid expansion to just 100% FPL: What's the effect on marketplace risk pool?

How many might be loathe to trade employer-sponsored insurance for expanded Medicare?

What to expect when Democrats are weighing single payer

Beyond healthcare reform at Health Action 2019

"They saw everything through the prism of healthcare" -- Pelosi at Health Action 2019

Oh, BTW...Trump administration wants Congress to fund CSR

Medicare for all (who want or need it): A path for presidential candidates

A word from our sponsors

One more offset from silver loading

Why 2019 ACA enrollment drops were concentrated in Medicaid expansion states on, Take 3

ACA 2.0 in California: an individual mandate without shame and a move toward all-payer in pharma

New Jersey's disappointing 2019 ACA enrollment: Some perspective

When states expand Medicaid, is there a multi-year marketplace drain?